Gryttom airfield

Flight information
- The latest information can be found on the webpage for KSAK Svenska flygfält (Swedish airports).
- The jump plane announces “2 minuter till fällning” (2 minutes before releasing jumpers) and then “fällning pågår” (jumping in progress). This means that the airspace above Gryttjom is about to be full of colorful parachutes!
- Help is on the way! Sometimes you’ll be asked to wait outside of the area (3-5 NM radius).
- A tip is to fly at 1000 ft in “standby” approximately 3 NM away from the airfield towards the active runway so that you can “sneak in” and land just behind one of the jump planes when they land. They normally approach at a very steep angle (the jump plane turns into their base leg at 4000 ft!)
Radio contact
- The airfield has a jump sector that extends 8 NM from Gryttjom. The jump pilots receives information about approaching traffic from ACC Sweden, both identified and unidentified aircraft.
- The jump pilots have deligated responsibility from ACC Sweden to coordinate local airtraffic. Therefore, you are required to have radio contact with us on airport frequency 123.400. It is to your advantage to communicate directly with the jump plane in the sector.
- If you don’t get a response from the jump plane then call out to “Hoppledare Gryttjom” (jump leader Gryttjom) when you approach the airfield. The jump plane is probably loading on the ground.
- Again, radio contact is very important.The pilots speak both Swedish and English.
Fuel and parking
- Parking is allowed by the north side of the hangars (the old flying club area).
- The closest fuel is at NUFK which is 4 NM north of ESKT Tierpsbasen.
- The cafe at the Gryttjom airfield is open when we are jumping. There you can purchase coffee, sodas, ice cream and light snacks for yourself and your passengers.
- We offer coffee and a snack to all guest pilots, free of charge!
- Contact the flight chief: