Borrowing a cabin or caravan from someone in Gryttjom is not administrated by the club, but it is not uncommon for members to rent out their accommodation. Join our Facebook group and ask around 😊
Bunk house
In Gryttjom we have a bunk house called “Nedre” where both members and guests can spend the night. In “Nedre” there are 16 rooms, each room with four beds totaling 64 beds!
The rooms are equipped with beds and mattresses. You need to bring your own sheets, pillow and sleeping bag. You can only reserve a place if you are a student on a course or are a visiting coach, judge or similar. It is first come, first served for everyone else. When you leave your room make sure it is a little nicer than when you arrived!
If you bring your own caravan or camper, there is a designated area at the north end of the runway. Please check where it is suitable to set it up.
Putting up tents is also suitable towards the north end of the runway or close to the main parking lot. Keep in mind, if you have your tent in the north end that the airplane taxi past the area, so make sure your tent is well strapped.
Access to the north Campers & tents area by car is from the road that goes past “Tierps Brukshundsklubb”.
You can buy cheap tents at Jysk in Tierp. Google Maps link here »
Access to electricity is not something we can provide for visiting caravans, campervans or tents.
There are privately owned cabins around the DZ area which is not managed by the club is any way.
You can ask around in our Facebook group if someone is renting it out.
Hotel near the dropzone
There is one hotel in Tierp; Hotell Gästis. See for details.